debug_fail [ entry=1 - level=1 - elapsed=12,4 ms - gab=12,4 ms
function Phase_3_body_generate_execute (execute.php:356) is called by Phase_3_body (body.php:79)"
function Phase_3_body (body.php:79) is called by Phase_3_generate (phase-3.php:173)"
function Phase_3_generate (phase-3.php:173) is called by require_once (phase-0.php:612)"
{string [334]} '(shared) SOURCE PATH not found ... (development-server-connection / mysql-server-information) function-name -> fn='SHARED_module_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER_CONNECTION_handler_mysql_server_information' / fp='/home/ssnl/domains/' => '
{array [3]}
(0) [dirname] => {string [91]} '/home/ssnl/domains/'
(1) [basename] => {string [1]} '='
(2) [filename] => {string [1]} '='
{array [9]}
(0) [is-default-menu-item] => {boolean} FALSE
(1) [visiblilty] => {string [10]} 'is-visible'
(2) [selectablity] => {string [13]} 'is-selectable'
(3) [function-name] => {string [1]} '='
(4) [source-path] => {string [1]} '='
(5) [source-name] => {string [1]} '='
(6) [required-session-status] => {string [21]} 'ignore-session-status'
(7) [employee-department] => {array [0] - nest=1}
(8) [mi-location] => {string [6]} 'shared'
debug_error [ entry=2 - level=1 - elapsed=12,6 ms - gab=156 us
function Phase_3_body_generate_execute (execute.php:477) is called by Phase_3_body (body.php:79)"
function Phase_3_body (body.php:79) is called by Phase_3_generate (phase-3.php:173)"
function Phase_3_generate (phase-3.php:173) is called by require_once (phase-0.php:612)"
{string [159]} 'We could not find function 'SHARED_module_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER_CONNECTION_handler_mysql_server_information' - unable to proceed - sorry, no service available ...'
{array [4]}
(0) [mi-source-name] => {string [33]} 'development-server-connection.php'
(1) [mi-source-map] => {string [91]} '/home/ssnl/domains/'
(2) [mi-source-path] => {string [125]} '/home/ssnl/domains/'
(3) [mi-source-function-name] => {string [51]} 'SHARED_module_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER_CONNECTION_handler'
The ZZZ FRAME WORK is upgraded to RELEASE 3 ...
This will take a while, please be patient
Page not found on “SEA Software Nederland” (“”)
Welcome to “SEA Software Nederland” (“”)
Regretfully the requested page is not available.
Requested page = 'development-server-connection/mysql-server-information'
Returned Error Code = '200'
Sorry, no service available !!!
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