The ZZZ FrameWork

This site is based on The ZZZ FrameWork for PHP, under development by SEA Software Nederland. This site is usual the main testing ground for new and/or improved functionality in this framework.

This framework provides a rich environment for building a complex site quickly

1) Automated HEAD generation including:
a) Customizable Title, Description & Keywords
b) Customizable CSS loading
c) Customizable JAVASCRIPT loading

2) Automated BODY generation including:
a) Special BODY stuff loading
b) Segmenting to create NAVIGATION menu (without full content generation)
c) Still FULL control over the SITE's content
d) Limited support for HTML styling

3) Interactive NAVIGATION menu

4) HTML generation tools

5) PHP tools for many often required functions like:
a) Number Output in many formats.
b) SS_php_CreatePath, SS_php_ReadFile, SS_php_GetFile, SS_php_GetFile_Exist, SS_php_WriteFile, SS_php_AppendToFile
c) SS_php_Find_String_CS, SS_php_Find_String_CI
d) SS_php_OnEntry_Default, SS_php_OnEntry_Value
e) Easy SQL access by special functions for OPEN, CLOSE, SELECT and COMMAND (using either Procedural, Ohbject Oriented or PDO commands)
f) Many More special functions to make programming a lot easier
g) IP logging, Page Building timing and Visitor Settings using a SQL database
h) 404 handling for customizable URLs
i) Special ID handling for HIDING pages for regular visitors (find them, some private pages are on this site

6) Debug tools

7) Still Fully customizable

The ZZZ FrameWork is still under development and any input is welcome.